Friday, August 21, 2009

What did I Learn as an Art History Student?

Well what did I learn as a student in general? With the memory still fresh in my mind I feel I must be honest.
It's difficult to value my education for the amount of information it taught me - because I really don't retain a lot of information.
More often than not, I find myself half way through a novel before I realize that I have read it before. It takes me twenty minutes of watching a movie before I realize I have already seen it.
So how did I survive university?
On interest alone.
I was interested in English, I was excited about writing essays.
Then what lead me to a minor in Art History?
It's my belief that a combination of my want to be an artist, and my absolute failure at actually becoming one was the motivation behind my choice of classes in university - If I couldn't be an artist I would learn about art inside and out.
But like I said, I don't retain alot of information.
I couldn't tell you whether Romanticism came before the Baroque period, whether impressionism stemmed from expressionism or vice versa.
What I can tell you is that art is subjective. It doesn't take a person with endless knowledge on the elements and principles of design to decide whether a piece of art is beautiful or if it is hideous. With all of my "training" and the little bit of knowledge I have been able to retain, I still do not have the whimsical ability to make a person like something they don't like, or hate something they do.
What I am really trying to say is: don't be afraid of art.
Don't be afraid of exposing yourself to crowds of 'art people' or a room filled with experienced artists - because there will never be a wrong answer or a wrong point of view.
Actually, that is the beautiful and most exciting thing about art. When is the last time you found yourself in a situation where you could never be wrong?

Expose yourself.
Come visit us here at Gallery ArtPlus! See our Summer Voyage exhibit and let us know what you really think.
Get in contact with me if you have any stories to share about your past experiences with 'art people', artists, or just art in general!

Remember life imitates art, not the other way around.

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Or contact me personally:
Tel: 613-961-1977 ext. 231

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