Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Closing of Summer Voyage

Lower Entrance of Gallery ArtPlus.

When I came into the Gallery last Tuesday morning I was scheduled to remove and return Paulette Sauve's paintings from her quadrant downstairs.
By the time Paulette arrove in the early morning, I had pulled all of the packaging for her work and we began taking down the pieces together. After about an hour and a half of physically challenging work (yes, working at an Art Gallery can be physically challenging at times), Paulette and I had managed to take down, package and place the artwork in her car. Fortunately, Paulette made the decision to leave Gallery ArtPlus with one of her paintings, titled Sailing Ridea Lake (see below).

A section of Paulette's quadrant.

Sailing Rideau Lake by Paulette Sauve
Oil on Canvas

* This painting is still on display in the downstairs gallery until October 15th, at which time we will rotate it to the second level.

After Paulette left and I took a look around at the stark white walls of her quadrant, I had a nostalgic feeling for the exiting season. Summer Voyage was my first exhibit here at Gallery ArtPlus and I must say, each of the four featured artists were endlessly pleasant, forever forgiving and of course, extremely talented. It was a pleasure working with each of them.

The following artist is featured in Paulette's recently vacant quadrant until the opening of the latest exhibit.

Tobe Muir

Eggplants by Tobe Muir

This week I also met with Bert Henderson to arrange a date for the return of his paintings and discussed with Bob Blenderman a date for pick-up of his work. Fortunately, Ed has chosen to leave most of his watercolours with us, so we may display them in rotation throughout the upper and lower levels of the gallery.

Waiting for the Train by Bert Henderson

An image of Ed Cronk's quadrant.

I also received several new pieces from a local artist by the name of Jim Christy. Jim is a very interesting man and his work must be looked at subjectively or otherwise painfully misunderstood. One of his pieces is depicted below, otherwise I would suggest coming to the Gallery to see them for yourself.

Another Bottle of Rye by Jim Christy

With two of the four quadrants downstairs in transition, I am full of mixed thoughts. I am sad to see Summer Voyage go, but on the other hand, I am excited for the upcoming exhibit and communicating with the new artists. The different ideas of expression, technique and visuals arts in general never cease to intrigue me.

A last reminder - Bruce St. Clair realism courses taught in watercolour, oil and acrylic are coming up very soon! Get your registration in now before it is too late!

For more information about the Gallery please find us on facebook, follow us on twitter, or take a virtual tour on our homesite.

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